hello! i’m julie
I am so glad you found us!
The Savvy Saige is the place to find all your favorite recipes, how-tos, and advice to live a life full of wholesome health and radiant beauty. Whether you are a DIY-er at heart or a health-conscious shopper, you will find all the resources you need to reach your lifestyle potential.
Through topics such as nourishing foods, homemade beauty, and all things home and lifestyle, I hope you become empowered to learn and implement natural living strategies that suit your needs, goals, and desires.
Cheers to living a beautiful life!

What Sets us Apart

get to know me
here are a few fun facts about me…
- My most beloved décor item of all time is a beautiful green plant. My living room currently has more plants than I can count.
- I am a sucker for any animal in need. No one is ever surprised when I come across a new animal to rescue.
- Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I love almost all literary genres, and I usually have multiple books at a time that I am reading through.
- I have an absolutely wonderful and agreeable husband who very much enjoys all the experimentation I conduct on him through my DIY creations ; ).